Sample catalogue data

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ItemCode ItemDescription ItemWidth ItemLength ItemCost ComponentType
2020Clear 2mm clear glass 914 1220 6.35 GlassSheet
2020/PC 2mm clear pre-cut 914 1220 8.35 GlassPreCut
3040Acryl 3mm clear acrylic 1220 2440 36.7 AcrylicSheet
3040Acryl/PC 3mm clear acrylic pre-cut 1220 2440 31.55 AcrylicPreCut
4044Mir 4mm standard mirror 1220 1830 27.55 MirrorSheet
4044Mir/PC 4mm standard mirror pre-cut 1220 1830 22 MirrorPreCut
1100Lam Pressure sensitive Sand texture 1100 50000 189.6 Laminate

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